The Best Russia Minecraft Servers for Everyone in 2025
1. EdosCraft
На нашем проекте имеются кастомные награды, зачарования, предметы, мистики и другие подобные плюшки, которые помогут вам весело и интересно провести время в компании своих друзей или в одиночку. Проект включает в себя: Анархию, Выживание, ОдинБлок.
EdosCraft is a Russian Minecraft server network with servers for Anarchy, Survival, and Oneblock. Features include custom rewards, enchantments, items, mystics, and other similar goodies that will help you have a fun and interesting time. There are also arcades and rewards for voting, plus an online store where you can buy ranks, various in-game items and currencies, and more.
Server Details:
- Game Modes & Features: Oneblock, Anarchy, and Survival
- Minecraft Version: Unknown
- Name: EdosCraft
- IP:
Karasique Anarchy is a Minecraft anarchy server that has been running since April 2020 and never been reset. This server features a map size that is over 5 tb! We have also had over 28,000 players that have visited at least once. Come check out Karasique Anarchy today!
Server Details:
- Game Modes & Features: Hardcore, Vanilla, PvE, Anarchy, Survival, and PvP
- Minecraft Version: 1.21.4
- Name: Karasique Anarchy
- IP:
3. SimboCraft
Ванильное выживание , различные квесты, экономика , голосовой чат , ЗАЛЕТАЙ!
SimboCraft is a Russian Minecraft vanilla survival server. Features include quests, an economy system, crates, voice chat, and more. Its website has a store where you can buy keys, plus a jetpack that allows you to fly! The server is available only for Java Edition and works with Minecraft versions 1.20.4 to 1.21. Come join the fun by connecting now!
Server Details:
- Game Modes & Features: Vanilla and Survival
- Minecraft Version: 1.20.4
- Name: SimboCraft
- IP:
4. TeamCIS
Мы строим пост-советские страны в Майнкрафт 1к1!
TeamCIS BTE is a Russian Creative Minecraft server aiming to recreate the entire planet Earth in the game. Other features include gaming events with cash prizes, and the server has partnered with various organizations, including the Tourism Committee of St. Petersburg and the news portal Billion Tatars. More information, as well as 3D maps, can be found on the TeamCIS BTE servers website.
Server Details:
- Game Modes & Features: Creative
- Minecraft Version: 1.18
- Name: TeamCIS
- IP:
5. Kenig Craft
Kenig Craft is a traditional Minecraft survival server that features jobs, guns, and mini-games. The server is devoted solely to offering an authentic survival experience, complete with top-notch plugins such as NoDupe and TreeAssist that only help to further enhance the gameplay. Playing on the Kenig Craft server is sure to provide endless hours of entertainment and enjoyment, so boredom will never be an issue again!
Server Details:
- Game Modes & Features: Economy, Parkour, BedWars, Survival, Spigot, Cracked, and Minigames
- Minecraft Version: 1.21.3
- Name: Kenig Craft
- IP:
6. BlackVanilla
Welcome to the server page
Here you will find several game modes with unlimited worlds:
- SURVIVAL without private, rtp, enhanced mobs and bosses, PVP arena, PVE arena, no creativity and fly.
- EpicWorld with private, rtp, boosted mobs, bosses, PVP arena, PVE arena, FLY in "Legend", "Emerald" privileges, etc.
Players receive a salary (1 hour = 10 bucks of game currency)
- BedWars (games from two players)
There are no wipes on the server. Lots of perks, starting at $ 100. Privileges are sold for in-game currency.
In PVP and PVE battles, the head of the enemy can drop.
Добро пожаловать на страницу сервера
У нас вы найдёте несколько игровых режимов с неограниченными мирами:
- ВЫЖИВАНИЕ без привата, rtp , усиленные мобы и боссы, PVP-арена, PVE-арена, нет креатива и fly.
- EpicWorld с приватом, rtp, усиленные мобы, боссы, PVP-арена, PVE-арена, FLY в привелегиях «Легенда» , «Emerald» и тд.
Игроки получают зарплату ( 1 час = 10 баксов игровой валюты )
- BedWars (игры от двух игроков)
На сервере нет вайпов. Множество привилегий, продаются от 100 баксов. Привилегии продаются за игровую валюту.
В сражениях PVP и PVE может выпасть голова противника.
Server Details:
- Game Modes & Features: PvP, PvE, Survival, and Economy
- Minecraft Version: 1.16.4
- Name: BlackVanilla
- IP:
7. OldCraft
OldCraft is a nostalgia-driven Minecraft 1.8.9 server based in Russia. This interesting server features fun mini-games, such as SkyWars. You can also go 1v1 with your friends in PvP. Feel free to join check things out around the OldCraft server.
Server Details:
- Game Modes & Features: Skywars, PvP, and Spigot
- Minecraft Version: 1.8
- Name: OldCraft
- IP:
NostalgiaCraft - сервер Minecraft, посвященный легендарной версии 1.2.5, пропитанный ностальгией к старому Minecraft. Многие юные майнкрафтеры начинали свой путь именно с этой версии, а кто-то просто ценит старые версии игры за особую атмосферу.
У нас нет места для модернизаций и обновлений. Мы помним, какими уютными были сервера в те времена, когда каждый дом был построен с любовью, а каждый ресурс был заработан честным трудом, поэтому сборка сервера сделана в духе тех времен, с теми же плагинами. Ощутите дух аутентичной игры вместе с нами, окунувшись в воспоминания, когда вы только-только начинали свой путь в Minecraft.
Мы постарались приоткрыть врата времени в прошлое, чтобы вы смогли вновь пережить те моменты, когда кирка из камня была самой лучшей, а интересные приключения начинались с простого деревянного меча.
Присоединяйтесь к сообществу NostalgiaCraft и откройте для себя вновь эту магию ранних версий Minecraft, где каждый блок - часть вашей истории.
NostalgiaCraft is a Russian Minecraft 1.2.5 server whose goal is to bring back the nostalgia of the past. This Survival server aims to recreate the cozy feeling of the past, where every house was built with care, and every resource was earned through hard work. With the same plugins and a dedication to authenticity, NostalgiaCraft allows players to relive those early days of Minecraft when a stone pickaxe was considered the best tool and exciting adventures began with a simple wooden sword. Join the NostalgiaCraft community and experience the magic of early Minecraft!
Server Details:
- Game Modes & Features: Economy, Survival, and PvP
- Minecraft Version: 1.2.5
- Name: NostalgiaCraft [1.2.5]
- IP:
9. /new places/
The goal of the /new places/ Minecraft server is to provide an anarchic server with an operational dupe fix, with adequate anti-cheat, and try not to break vanilla mechanics as much as possible. We try to always update the version of the game, at the moment we are already working on version 1.18.1, but you can go from 1.17.1.
Initially, the server was local for playing with friends, because at that time we simply could not find an adequate server for playing together. But at some point we decided to make our server public so that you can join us. The project is constantly being developed and improved for greater comfort of the game.
Key Features:
- We are for FairPlay, we are against donation privileges
- We are against gag, we provide the most vanilla gameplay and the most stylistically 2b2t-like server
- We provide 2 game modes. Classic survival, and CrystalPVP server for training players
- We work only on new versions of the game, no 1.12.2 and other versions that everyone already has in their guts.
- World map 2 million in all directions. Alas, on new versions it is difficult to maintain the vanilla size of the world, at least on a budget)
- The administration takes care of the server, the server is constantly being improved, and we are trying to quickly fix problems
- Cheats are allowed, but there is an anti-cheat barrier. For abuse of cheats, you will simply be kicked from the server.
- GroupChat group chat system (via command: /groupchat)
- Having your own internal development bot on NodeJS, similar to 0b0t, LolRiTTeRBot, etc.
Server Details:
- Game Modes & Features: Anarchy and Vanilla
- Minecraft Version: 1.18.1
- Name: /new places/
- IP:
10. SuperCraft
Приглашаем всех на сервер SuperCraft
Мы работаем круглосуточно 24/7
Донат дешевый БЕЗ обмана! Конкурсы, раздачи, частые обновления, создай топовый клан на сервере и будь лучшим из лучших, много общения,адекватная адмнистрация
Поддержка версий 1.8 - 1.12.2
У нас можно получить ключ от кейса с донатом за прохождение паркура!
Есть топ киллеров, топ майнеров, топ паркурщиков и т.д Продержись на 1 месте как можно дольше чтобы быть авторитетным игроком на сервере ;)
Интересное времяпровождение гарантированно.
Так же проделан крупный и в целом достаточно удобный /shop.
Интересные плагины. Обновления несколько раз в месяц
Много интересных плюшек
Полный список: Питомцы, навыки, контакты, паркур,эмоции,транспорт,кланы,свадьбы,автошахты с ресурсами,выживание,вещи бога,эффекты,гаджеты,недорогой донат,антирелог,рандомная телепотация
Играй, развивайся, занимай первые места в топах и получай призы
Также на сервере убран дождь для более комфортной игры
Server Details:
- Game Modes & Features: Economy, Parkour, Vanilla, Minigames, TnT Run, BedWars, Survival, and Cracked
- Minecraft Version: 1.18
- Name: SuperCraft
- IP:
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