Best Germany Minecraft Servers

Top Minecraft Servers lists some of the Best Germany Minecraft Servers on the web to play on. Browse down our list and discover an incredible selection of servers until you find one that appears to be ideal for you! Click on a server to learn more about it, or just copy the ip address into your Minecraft client and find out for yourself just how great it is.

Rank Featured Server About

US Minecraft Servers


Players Online
MC Version: 1.20.4
Game Modes: / / / / / / / / / / /

US Minecraft Servers | Foxcraft 🦊 | Foxcraft 🦊
Players Online
MC Version: 1.21
Game Modes: / / / / / / / / / / /

US Minecraft Servers - ManaCube - ManaCube
Players Online
MC Version: 1.21
Game Modes: / / / / / / / / / / /

US Minecraft Servers

👽 | OPBlocks

👽 | OPBlocks
Players Online
MC Version: 1.21
Game Modes: / / / / / / / / / / / /

US Minecraft Servers


Players Online
MC Version: 1.20.4
Game Modes: / / / / / / / / / /
Disclaimer: The servers above are sponsored and appear in all lists (type, version, country), regardless of whether or not they are part of it.
Rank Server About


DE Minecraft Servers
Players Online
MC Version: 1.20.2
Game Modes: / / / / / / / / / / /


DE Minecraft Servers


Players Online
MC Version: 1.21
Game Modes: / / / / /


DE Minecraft Servers - Deutscher Minecraft Server - Deutscher Minecraft Server
Players Online
MC Version: 1.19
Game Modes: / / / / / / / / /


DE Minecraft Servers

GoldenSky Server

GoldenSky Server
Players Online
MC Version: 1.19.3
Game Modes: / / / / / /


DE Minecraft Servers

KiloCraft (1.21 Survival)

KiloCraft (1.21 Survival)
Players Online
MC Version: 1.21.1
Game Modes: / /


DE Minecraft Servers


Players Online
MC Version: 1.20.5
Game Modes: / / / / /


DE Minecraft Servers
Players Online
MC Version: 1.19.2
Game Modes: / / / / / / / /


DE Minecraft Servers

Peaceful Vanilla Club

Peaceful Vanilla Club
Players Online
MC Version: Unknown
Game Modes: / / /


DE Minecraft Servers


Players Online
MC Version: 1.20
Game Modes: / / / /


DE Minecraft Servers

United Lands

United Lands
Players Online
MC Version: 1.18.1
Game Modes: / / / / / /


DE Minecraft Servers

RLCraft - Merciless Sufferings

RLCraft - Merciless Sufferings
Players Online
MC Version: 1.12.2
Game Modes: / / / / /


DE Minecraft Servers

FTB StoneBlock 3 by CraftersLand

FTB StoneBlock 3 by CraftersLand
Players Online
MC Version: 1.18.2
Game Modes: / / / /


DE Minecraft Servers


Players Online
MC Version: 1.20.1
Game Modes: / / / / /


DE Minecraft Servers

Dungeons Dragons and Space Shuttles

Dungeons Dragons and Space Shuttles
Players Online
MC Version: 1.12.2
Game Modes: / / / / / /


DE Minecraft Servers


Players Online
MC Version: 1.20.4
Game Modes: / / /

The Best Germany Minecraft Servers List 2024 (

Game Modes: / / / / / / / / / / /

🌟 Join the epic world of! 🌟

🚀 Unique Minecraft Universe! Immerse yourself in the thrilling realm of Twerion, where adventure and innovation unite! Experience unique game modes that will revolutionize your Minecraft journey.

🛠️ Build, Fight, Explore! Whether you're a builder, warrior, or explorer, Twerion offers endless possibilities. Construct monumental structures, face the toughest foes in breathtaking PvP battles, or explore the infinite expanses of our worlds.

💎 Exclusive Features and Community Events! Enjoy special plugins and mods found only on Take part in our unique community events that will continuously surprise and delight you.

🤝 Friends and Rivals! Forge new friendships or challenge rivals. In our vibrant community, everyone finds their place.

⚡ Continuous Updates and Improvements! We're constantly evolving to provide you with the best gaming experience. Your ideas and suggestions are always welcome!

🌐 Join now! Discover the secret of and become part of a world that challenges and rewards your creativity and skills. Don't wait any longer – the adventure calls!

🔗 IP:

🎮 Version: 1.8-1.20.4

Are you ready for the adventure of a lifetime? See you on! 🌈🏰🛡️

tags: skypvp bedwars citybuild survival minecraft server German Craft Attack German freebuild oneblock skyblock english cracked

Connect to this Minecraft 1.20.2 server using the ip

OPSUCHT.NET ⭐ CityBuild (

Game Modes: / / / / /

Herzlich willkommen auf der Vote-Seite von OPSUCHT.NET!

OPSUCHT.NET ist am 23.10.2023 fünf Jahre alt geworden.
Du hast bei uns die Auswahl zwischen vier verschiedenen CityBuilds, die alle auf der 1.20.1 laufen!
Du kannst alle CityBuilds mit der neuesten Minecraft-Version betreten.

Was bieten unsere CityBuild-Server?
» Eine ausgeprägte, CB-übergreifende Wirtschaft, die von den Spielern gesteuert wird!
» Globale Spielstände, zu denen unter anderem dein Konto, Inventar, EnderChest, und deine XP gehören!
» Eine starke Community mit einem ausgearbeitetem Clan-System!
» Vielfältiges Kisten Shop System, mit welchem du auch offline Geld verdienen kannst!
» Job-System, bei welchem du dich im Level hocharbeiten kannst und gleichzeitig Geld verdienst!
» Sehr engagiertes und hilfsbereites Serverteam, dessen Priorität es ist, dir den maximalen Spaß an das Spiel zu ermöglichen!
» Schneller ingame-, Discord- & TeamSpeak-Support bei Fragen & Problemen 
» Wertvolle Sammleritems, die kein anderer Spieler hat!
» Aktiver Discord mit Support, Chats, Talks und vieles mehr! 
» Regelmäßige Events, Wettbewerbe und Gewinnspiele!

Hier sind nur einige von vielen Features aufgelistet, die wir dir bieten! Und während das bei weitem nicht alles war,
kommt immer mehr dazu: unsere CityBuilds bekommen regelmäßig Updates, und
du kannst hautnah dabei sein, während das Verständnis davon, was CityBuild eigentlich ist, revolutioniert wird!
Außerdem hast du auf unserem Discord die Möglichkeit, selbst 
Verbesserungsvorschläge zu äußern, die direkt von unserem Serverteam gelesen
und evaluiert werden!

Am besten schaust du dir OPSUCHT einfach selbst an:
Besuche uns gerne unter der IP

Wir freuen uns, wenn du bald Teil unserer Community bist!

➥ Wusstest du schon? Wenn du votest, erhältst du auf unserem Server eine coole Belohnung! ⭐

The very popular German Minecraft server, OPSucht, offers four different CityBuild servers that all run on version 1.20.1. Some of the features you'll come to find here include a player-controlled economy, clans, a crate shop system, jobs, collector items, events, and more. There's also a global save game feature that saves all your account data, including inventory, EnderChest, and XP. Fast support is available in-game and on the server's Discord and TeamSpeak. Come become a part of this big, growing German Minecraft community today by joining OPSucht now!

Connect to this Minecraft 1.21 server using the ip - Deutscher Minecraft Server (

Game Modes: / / / / / / / / /

wir sind Cubeside, einer der ältesten deutschen Minecraft-Server. Cubeside wurde im April 2011 gegründet und ist seitdem ein fester Bestandteil der deutschen Minecraft Community. Mit über 10 Jahren Erfahrung, ein Dutzend eigener Plugins und eigener Server Infrastruktur bieten wir jedem Spieler das perfekte Minecraft Erlebnis. Ein gut aufgestelltes Staffteam steht dir zu jeder Tages- und Nachtzeit zur Verfügung, um dir bei großen oder auch kleinen Problemen mit Rat und Tat zur Seite zu stehen.
Folgende Features und Welten bieten wir an:
- Freebuild
- Spielerdörfer
- Projektsicherungen
- Separate Ressourcen- und Farmwelten
- Creativewelt
- Plotwelt
- Haustiere
- Daily Quests
- Spielershops
- Skyblock
- Classicwelt
- Creative und Survival Bauevents
Alle Survivalwelten sind an unser Wirtschaftssystem angeschlossen. Das bedeutet für dich, dass du alle 30 Minuten automatisch 1200 Cubes (Ingame-Währung) bekommst, egal ob du gerade am Bauen oder Farmen bist. Mit dieser Währung kannst du Handel mit anderen Spielern betreiben, um dir z.B. Ressourcen zu kaufen oder zu verkaufen. Unsere offene und freie Marktwirtschaft ermöglicht dir unbegrenzte Möglichkeiten im Handel mit deinen Mitspielern.
Für den Spielspaß im Bereich Minigames ist ebenfalls gesorgt.
Dort bieten wir dir:
- Gameswelt: z.B. Arcade, Bedwars, Hide and Seek, Skywars, Survival Games, 1vs1 und vieles mehr
- Jump and Run Welt: mit Community JnRs in verschiedenen Schwierigkeitsgraden
- Challengewelt: z.B. Speedrun, Bingo, ForceItem und viele weitere
Zusätzlich zu unseren Minigames, die du jederzeit spielen kannst, finden bei uns auch mehrmals in der Woche große und kleine Serverevents statt, bei denen du tolle Preise gewinnen kannst. Beispiele für große Serverevents sind: Domination, CTW, CTM, Battle Royale (Varo) etc.
Haben wir dein Interesse geweckt?
Dann zögere nicht und besuche uns. Das Team und die ganze Community freuen sich darauf, dich kennenzulernen. Wir wünschen dir ganz viel Spaß bei uns!
Unsere Serveradresse lautet:
Schau auch gerne hier vorbei:
Teamspeak 3 Server:

Connect to this Minecraft 1.19 server using the ip

GoldenSky Server (

Game Modes: / / / / / /

Der GoldenSky Server besteht seit 2013 und wird dieses Jahr 10 Jahre alt! Er umfasste über die Jahre viele Spieler, welche ganz persönliche Erinnerungen im Spiel und mit anderen Spielern gesammelt haben. Im Mittelpunkt des Servers stehen die Spielmodi SkyBlock und Survival.

Wir bieten viele tolle Funktionen und Möglichkeiten, deinen Alltag in Minecraft bunter zu gestalten und arbeiten stetig am Server, um ihn zu verbessern. Erstklassige Hardware treibt den Server an und sorgt für einen möglichst laggfreien Spieltag. Schaue jetzt rein und überzeuge dich selbst! Und solltest du doch mal Fragen oder Anliegen haben, ist das Team sowohl ingame, sonst aber auch im Discord für dich da. Meistens sogar Tag- und Nacht.

The GoldenSky is a German Minecraft server that has existed since 2013. The game modes SkyBlock and Survival are at the heart of this server. It offer many great features and options to make your everyday life in Minecraft more colorful. This server is constantly being worked on to improve it. Over the past decade, The GoldenSky server has seen many players create wonderful memories. Check it out now and come make some of your own!

Connect to this Minecraft 1.19.3 server using the ip

KiloCraft (1.21 Survival) (

Game Modes: / /

Kilocraft is a vanilla survival server that has been running snapshots since 1.13, and we are currently running our world on version 1.21.
Over time the Kilocraft community has grown a lot and thanks to suggestions of our players we could add features such as claiming, playtime-based ranks, and pwarps to help improve the community aspect of our server!
If you want to join us, connect to, if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask any of our staff!

Server Stats:
We have a powerful machine, to make sure you only get to play on the best performance of 1.21
> RAM: 128GB
> CPU: i9 9900k
> Storage: 2TB NVMe

Connect to this Minecraft 1.21.1 server using the ip

HyperSteal (

Game Modes: / / / / /

HyperSteal is a cross-play Minecraft server network for versions 1.19 and up. Only a Lifesteal server is available as of now, but other servers will be added soon, including a survival server. Some of the Lifesteal server's features include economy and PvP, and it's season-based. Players can also buy ranks from the HyperSteal online store. Join now and come make new friends and have fun! If you're joining from Bedrock, use port 19132.

Connect to this Minecraft 1.20.5 server using the ip (

Game Modes: / / / / / / / / ist ein stetig wachsendes Minecraft-Netzwerk und besteht erfolgreich seit 2012. Mehr als 97.000 Spieler besuchten uns bereits und haben ihr Vermächtnis in einer unserer fantastischen Welten hinterlassen. So entstanden bereits große und wunderschöne Städte. Werde Teil unserer Community und setze deinen Grundstein für das Fundament einer großartigen Zeit noch heute!

Unser Team, bestehend aus einer handvoll Entwicklern, erfahrenen Supportern, kreativen Buildern und Eventmanagern ermöglichen dir rund um die Uhr einen angenehmen Aufenthalt.

Aber das ist noch nicht alles!

- Freundliche und aktive Stammcommunity
- Belohnungssystem für aktive Spieler
- Atemberaubende Bauten
- Viele verschiedene Plugins, welche für die Spieler zur Verfügung stehen
- 24/7 laggfreie Server
- Cracked- und Premiumunterstützung
- Regelmäßige und tolle Events
- Unterschiedliche Bauwelten aus verschieden Versionen
- Freebuild in allen Bauwelten mit eigenen Claims
- Farmwelten für jeden Bereich (Overworld, End, Nether)
- Zwei Creative-Bauwelten zum Austoben
- Baue in Skyblock in luftiger Höhe
- Kaufbare Privatwelten für Ingamegeld
- Spiele ohne Plugins auf unserem Survival-Teilserver

Auf unserem Vanilla-Server gibt es eine Vielzahl an Bauwelten und Spielmodi zu erkunden.

Ihr findet dort Bauwelten mit einer Landschaftsgenerierung vor der Version 1.8 bis zur Version 1.13 (Hauptwelt, Neuland, Fantasy und Aquatica). Außerdem gibt es eine Minewelt mit passendem Nether und End. Trotz der vielen unterschiedlichen Bauwelten sind die Städte der Spieler leicht über Warppunkte zu finden.
Des Weiteren bietet der Server eine SkyBlock-Welt, unsere beiden Creative-Welten und einige Minigames an. Dem Bauteam steht eine Baustube zur Verfügung, um sich dort kreativ Auszuleben. Für das Eventteam gibt es eine Eventwelt, in denen sie spannende Events vorbereiten und ausführen können.

Über das Spielen auf dem Server, könnt ihr außerdem mehrere Währungen verdienen.

Mit den JenoMinersDollar (JMD) wird auf dem Server Handel betrieben und Items erworben. Ihr könnt auch Shops eröffnen, über die ihr ebenfalls Einnahmen generieren könnt. Über unsere Treuewährung, der JenoCoins (JC), ermöglichen wir euch den Zugang zu exklusiven Items und Rechten. Darunter zählen beispielsweise der Flug- und Unsterblichkeitsmodus, aber auch Rüstungen und Waffen mit höheren Verzauberungen als im normalen Survival-Modus möglich ist.

Besonders erwähnenswert sind ebenfalls die unbegrenzten Privatwelten, die für Ingamegeld kaufbar sind. Dabei könnt ihr sowohl eine Survival- als auch eine Creative-Privatwelt besitzen, in denen ihr euch austoben könnt!

Für mehr Informationen besucht uns auf und auf unserem Discord-Server.

Connect to this Minecraft 1.19.2 server using the ip

Peaceful Vanilla Club (

Game Modes: / / /

Enjoy a peaceful vanilla experience, with no grief, no pay to win ranks and no PvP outside arenas. Play like you do on single player, but with friends! With no worries. LGBTQ+ Friendly Minecraft Server.

The server is based on Java Edition but you can play with Bedrock Edition too! This means you can play with MCPE (Pocket Editon) on iOS and Android smartphones. Of course, you can (and should) play also with the good old Java Edition.

Peaceful Vanilla Club is a semi-vanilla virtual reality (VR) friendly server. We officially support the Vivecraft VR mod for Minecraft Java Edition, but the official Minecraft VR version for Oculus works very well too!

→ To play on Java Edition:
→ To play on Bedrock (Pocket): (default port)

🟡 NO PVP (Only in PvP Arenas)
🔴 NO Map Resets
🟡 NO HUB/Network
🔴 NO Pay-to-win or VIP

🟠 Since June 2019 (1 Year old)
🟢 Vanilla
🟠 Java Edition & Crossplay Pocket Edition (Bedrock)
🟢 Farlands
🟠 Easy to Use Land Claim Blocks
🟢 Mature and Active Players & Staff
🟠 Peaceful & Friendly Community
🟢 Lots of improvements (decorative heads, sit, unstuck, unions, events, deathchests, much more ...)
🟠 Player managed economy (create shop, sell, buy items)
🟢 LGBTQ+ Friendly

✅ No Fast Travel: Wander and Explore!

Say goodbye to teleportation on this semi-vanilla server. No /tp, /tpa, or /warp to shortcut your journey. Discover new and exciting ways to traverse the map, from subways and iceways to railways. Teleportation is off the table, enhancing the exploration experience and preserving the essence of the game.

✅ A Peaceful Place to Unwind

While the server operates on normal/hard mode, it's designed as a tranquil sanctuary. Chill alone or with friends in this peaceful haven. Enjoy the serenity, unless you venture into predefined hard survival areas for an adventurous twist!

✅ A Nostalgic Journey

Relive the golden age of Minecraft on this nostalgic server. A portion of the map harks back to Beta 1.7.3, with darker nights as a nod to the past. Immerse yourself in the nostalgia, complete with a replica of the iconic pack.png. Experience the essence of Minecraft's earlier days.

✅ No PvP Outside Arenas

This is a stress-free server with PvP restricted to designated arenas. Admins define special areas with keep-inventory, ensuring a camper-free environment. Enjoy the game without worrying about unexpected PvP encounters.

✅ Quality of Life Enhancements

Maintaining the vanilla feel, this server incorporates significant improvements without compromising the original gameplay. Experience the best of both worlds with enhanced features that elevate your gaming experience.

✅ No Map Resets: Timeless Terrains

Since its inception in Summer 2019, the server's map remains untouched. Embrace the commitment to a map that evolves with time, providing a stable and continuous world without the need for resets.

✅ Land Claims: Protect Your Territory

Secure your land with a unique block. Claim your space and create a safe haven for your builds. Obtain your first claim block after 30 minutes of playtime, or purchase more at the spawn. Rent, sell, or buy claims to shape the world to your liking.

✅ Player-Managed Economy: Build Your Empire

Engage in a fully functional player-driven economic system. Establish your shop using villagers, rent and sell areas to fellow players. The server encourages entrepreneurial spirit and creative business endeavors.

✅ Playtime Ranks: Rise Through the Ranks

Your playtime matters on this server. Unlock rewards and permissions as you ascend through playtime ranks. The more you play, the higher you rank, adding a rewarding progression system to your Minecraft experience.

✅ Commands and Utilities: Enhancing Gameplay

Enjoy additional utilities to manage your gameplay, including pet management, random teleportation on first join, unstuck features, the ability to sit down, Death Chests, Decorative Heads and more. These command enhancements add convenience to your Minecraft adventures.

✅ Hard Survival Areas: Seek the Challenge

For those seeking a more extreme adventure, enter the Hard Survival Area — an area of severe difficulty. Test your survival skills in this challenging terrain that offers a heightened level of excitement and risk.

Connect to this Minecraft Unknown server using the ip

PirateCraft (

Game Modes: / / / /

⚓ Connect:

⚓ Website:

⚓ Discord:

⚓ Rules:

⚓ Live Map:

⚓ Getting Started:

⚓ Detailed Guides:

About us

PirateCraft is a Pirate themed Minecraft survival server. We are a 5 year tight-knit community that’s developed over the years into a wonderful family.

Our ethos for running PirateCraft is to have a permanent map that isn’t ever Reset, builds will be kept and protected, you can disappear for 3 months and come back to carry on where you left off! We’ve had players come back after 3 years and continue where they left off!

The world doesn’t get stale, Land & abandoned claims are regenerated over time to keep it fresh and clean, players can request Claims and Land to be removed and regenerated by our Staff Team.

Staff act like police, they only intervene when asked, you are mostly left to make your own way in PirateCraft, be it Solo or an Empire. We have a rich History documented over the years on our Wiki

Getting Started

There are no hurdles to get started, spawn is small, you just need to leave it in any direction to get started.
You spawn a deckhand on a shipwreck just off the coast, where has your crew gone? Gather resources and build yourself a home to survive. Do you Build your own Empire or Join an existing one? Maybe you fight as cut-throat solo Pirate laying down your own rules!
We have an in-depth getting started guide on our website:


☠ Moving ships, you can design and build your own ships then sail them, no mods needed! Battle, sink and steal Pirate ships, attach our working cannons too!
☠ Build and shoot cannons!
☠ Vast Crew System
☠ Survival game play with GriefPrevention protection and siege turned on.
☠ Build custom working Portcullis gates for castles!
☠ Build working bridges for your castle moats!
☠ Ranking system, to work your way up through the ranks unlocking bigger ships and perks
☠ Custom brewing of your own grog! Custom brewing technique, age your grog in barrels!
☠ Player marketplace to rent shops and sell/buy!
☠ No mods needed! Join now at


☠ Videos
☠ Gallery (Needs a lot of photos added!)
☠ Blog of competitions & Builds of the Month are listed on the homepage

We look forward to meeting you!

Connect to this Minecraft 1.20 server using the ip

United Lands (

Game Modes: / / / / / /

United Lands is a Towny-based Earth SMP that integrates peace, war, economies and events thanks to our unique mechanics.

We are a friendly server with an active Discord and community as well as a helpful staff team.
Our Earth map is on a 1:500 scale that goes alongside a Resource world, Nether and End. These last three worlds reset at the end of each month.

Settle a town with your friends or brave it alone with Towny - develop your lands into thriving nations and empires that span the globe.

In addition to this, we often hold events on our Discord and on the Minecraft server itself which are always looked forward to by our players. Discord events can contain games nights and watch-alongs, whereas our in game events can include skin contests, minigame events or server-wide mechanic changes in limited time events.

You can progress in-game to a powerful position with our in game perks menu where you can buy additional abilities and privileges with the money earned from our balanced jobs, trade, and war system. Strictly cosmetic donator perks are also available on our website to those who want to show off a bit more.

The server is constantly changing and updating for the better with changelogs coming out almost weekly containing new fixes and plugins.

Custom items like you've never seen them before! Food, tools, and blocks that offer completely new gameplay experiences beyond just more options on what to eat are here. Grow new custom trees that have their own unique mechanics and drops or brew amazing alcohols using them. You can even change the biome you're standing in with our new tools!

Take a look at our handcrafted website that provides incredible insight into the server with pages dedicated to towns and players with real time map locations!

Our server is not limited to Java players only, with our new parity update Bedrock players can join in on the fun too! Look at our website under the "Bedrock Joining" article on the info tab to learn how to connect.

If you’re looking for a server with distinctive features, a friendly community, and an active development team then United Lands is the place to be!

Bedrock Port: 19132

Connect to this Minecraft 1.18.1 server using the ip

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