The Best 1.16.4 Minecraft Servers for Everyone in 2025
1. BlackVanilla
Welcome to the server page
Here you will find several game modes with unlimited worlds:
- SURVIVAL without private, rtp, enhanced mobs and bosses, PVP arena, PVE arena, no creativity and fly.
- EpicWorld with private, rtp, boosted mobs, bosses, PVP arena, PVE arena, FLY in "Legend", "Emerald" privileges, etc.
Players receive a salary (1 hour = 10 bucks of game currency)
- BedWars (games from two players)
There are no wipes on the server. Lots of perks, starting at $ 100. Privileges are sold for in-game currency.
In PVP and PVE battles, the head of the enemy can drop.
Добро пожаловать на страницу сервера
У нас вы найдёте несколько игровых режимов с неограниченными мирами:
- ВЫЖИВАНИЕ без привата, rtp , усиленные мобы и боссы, PVP-арена, PVE-арена, нет креатива и fly.
- EpicWorld с приватом, rtp, усиленные мобы, боссы, PVP-арена, PVE-арена, FLY в привелегиях «Легенда» , «Emerald» и тд.
Игроки получают зарплату ( 1 час = 10 баксов игровой валюты )
- BedWars (игры от двух игроков)
На сервере нет вайпов. Множество привилегий, продаются от 100 баксов. Привилегии продаются за игровую валюту.
В сражениях PVP и PVE может выпасть голова противника.
Server Details:
- Game Modes & Features: PvE, PvP, Economy, and Survival
- Minecraft Version: 1.16.4
- Name: BlackVanilla
- IP:
The main goal and purpose of this server is to emulate as close to vanilla minecraft as possible while making as unobtrusive optimizations as possible to maintain server TPS at an acceptable number when at high player-counts. The world is permanent and never going to reset ever. You can donate for priority queue or just out of the kindness of your heart to help the server. Donations are in place to help keep the server afloat on more than accommodating hardware. Rules are simple, don't hack or intentionally cause lag. Think 2b2t without hacks.
server launched january 1st, 2021
Server Details:
- Game Modes & Features: Anarchy, PvP, Survival, and Vanilla
- Minecraft Version: 1.16.4
- Name: Eternal Anarchy
- IP:
Both Java / Bedrock can connect. For Bedrock, the port is 25565.
Bens Minecraft Server is a Survival based Economy server which runs 24/7. Provided with huge capacity and stable network, come and express your creativity, build a farm and more now!
We aim to provide free survival server for players who seek a pure and stable server to play anytime.
Server Details:
- Game Modes & Features: PvP, Economy, Survival, PvE, and Spigot
- Minecraft Version: 1.16.4
- Name: Ben's Minecraft Server
- IP:
4. CozyCraft
CozyCraft offers a unique experience for all players! We have custom enchants, land claims, player shops, voting, crates, and much more! We have a variety of custom items, including: food, ores, armors, tools, building blocks, vehicles, heads, and the list goes on. We hold month long events, both PVP based and building based, along with a variety of smaller events for all players to enjoy. We hope you join us, and remember, stay cozy!
Server Details:
- Game Modes & Features: Survival and Spigot
- Minecraft Version: 1.16.4
- Name: CozyCraft
- IP:
5. CubiCraft
CubiCraft is a server created by Facebook streamer Cubic98. The server started as a private server where only the supporters of the page can join until the server gain a massive popularity and due to the demand, the CubiCraft has been open to public and has been gathering more and more attention every day.
Server Details:
- Game Modes & Features: Survival, Economy, Cracked, Mcmmo, and PvP
- Minecraft Version: 1.16.4
- Name: CubiCraft
- IP:
The best relationships in our lives were built around playing games. Memories of staying up late playing videogames with friends or sharing achievements in those hard to pass levels mean so much to us. The heart of KGO lies in having fun and meeting new friends. Come join us and meet members not only from Kerala but from different places. We are a 3500+ strong group consisting of players playing various games
➥ PC:
➥ PE: Port:25590
Server Details:
- Game Modes & Features: BedWars, Survival, KitPVP, Cracked, PvP, and Skyblock
- Minecraft Version: 1.16.4
- Name: Kerala Gamers Official | Malayalam
- IP:
7. MegaCraft
✑✑ Our site for buying donate -
✒✒ Our IP -
✑✑ Our group in VK -
✏ Mini games
-ʘ SkyWars
-ʘ BedWars
-ʘ Hunger Games
-ʘ NEW! Annihilation!
-ʘ TheBridge
-ʘ Duels
-ʘ LuckyWars
-ʘ MurderMystery
-ʘ SkyBlock
-ʘ EggWars
-ʘ Creative
-ʘ Anarchy
✏ Unique economy and its own currency - MegaCoins / megaeco
✏ The best server players - / megatop
✏ Clans
✏ All blocks, mobs from 1.12
✏ Overhead
✏ Case with Donate - / case
✏ Random teleport - / rtp
✏ Shop - / warp shop
✏ A beautiful spawn, built with your own hands!
✏ A separate world of Naruto!
✏ Money for murder!
✏ As well as a convenient menu - / menu
✏ Weddings
✏ Parkour
✏ Transport: helicopters, airplanes, tanks, submarines, wheelbarrows, bikes and other
✏ Drugs / drugs and Alcohol / alco
✏ The most interesting is waiting for you on the server! Come and find out for yourself;)
☑ Donate is bought forever and does not disappear after the wipe!
☑ Best Tech Support
☑ Low prices for donut
Server Details:
- Game Modes & Features: Annihilation, EggWars, Bukkit, Minigames, BedWars, Drug, Economy, Anarchy, Cracked, Creative, and Hunger Games
- Minecraft Version: 1.16.4
- Name: MegaCraft
- IP:
PixelWorld Network
At PixelWorld we have seven different servers for you to chose from!
- Towny
- Factions
- SkyBlock
- Creative
- ZombieSurvival
- TekkitLegends
- The1.12.2Pack
We hope to see you on the server soon!
- Land Claims.
- DeadChest (You can't lose items, but you can lose XP!)
- RandomTP (You can teleport to a secluded location!)
- LevelledMobs (Higher level the mob, higher the XP and loot!)
- LWC (Securely lock your chests!)
- BlastProtection (No creeper or tnt holes!)
- You're allowed to grief and loot other players.
- LevelledMobs (Higher level the mob, higher the XP and loot!)
- Join jobs to earn currency to exchange for items with other players!
- Form factions to take others down!
- Four game modes available:
- SkyBlock
- OneBlock
- CaveBlock
- AcidIsland
- Furniture available to furnish your plots!
- Version 1.16.5
- Claim multiple plots!
- Form groups to kill all of the zombie hordes!
- Gear up with guns!
- Backpack for extra inventory!
- Must have server textures enabled to play the server!
- Build quarries and EMC farms!
- Become barely touchable by gearing up with the power armour!
- Go all eco by powering everything with solar panels!
- Best legacy modpack!
- Uses the technic launcher!
- Build quarries and EMC farms!
- Go to space with Galacticraft!
- Over 200 mods installed!
- Enhance your minecraft gaming experience... if your pc can handle it!
-Uses the technic launcher!
**You can play from versions 1.7.*-1.17.*
Server Details:
- Game Modes & Features: Mcmmo, Creative, Cracked, Towny, Spigot, Economy, Survival, Skyblock, and Oneblock
- Minecraft Version: 1.16.4
- Name: PixelWorld Network!
- IP:
9. Royal Asylum
The time has come to flee your war torn country and begin your new life as a prisoner of war at the Royal Asylum in the Lost Kingdom! Start as a peasant and mine,chop, and fight for your life to rankup and achieve Noble status through the kingdom. This is a prison experience like no other.
We are a Semi-OP RPG Prison server! Rankup by completing quests, mining, and fighting for your life today!
Server Details:
- Game Modes & Features: Spigot, Prison, Towny, PvP, Economy, and Mcmmo
- Minecraft Version: 1.16.4
- Name: Royal Asylum
- IP:
10. Poke Paradox
Pixelmon Reforged - Events - Gts - Gyms - Raidable Bosses - Tourneys - Textured Pokemon
Hello and welcome to PokeParadox!
We're happy that you showed interest in our server, and here we welcome anyone with open arms, no matter your background. We're here to provide you a safe place, and a place to have fun if you ever need to escape reality for a moment or a bit longer.
On our server you can expect:
- Very friendly and helpful staff & community
- Choose between shiny or non shiny starters with command /starters
- Dex Rewards (Includes Commands like pokeheal and pc)
- Not P2W
- Events
- Tourneys
- Raidable Bosses
- Textured Pokemon
You can download our modpack here:
Thank you for reading and we hope to see you soon!
Server Details:
- Game Modes & Features: PvE, Bukkit, Roleplay, Pixelmon, and Mcmmo
- Minecraft Version: 1.16.4
- Name: Poke Paradox
- IP:
Click here to see even more of the best MC servers!