Good Golly Miss Molly

Tags: Cracked direwolf20 Survival Tekkit

Modded Minecraft server, with 153 mods, with custom modpack. Its constantly being updated and improved by the community. Its a simple survival mode, with no plugins. And the only rule that exist is to respect others.

How to get the Modpack?
There are three ways.
1. Through tLauncher.
2. Through Technic Launcher.
3. Through Curse. (cooming 'soon')

1. Through tLauncher.
1.1 Download tlauncher (
1.2 Install it
1.3 Go to TL-Mods (lower right corner)
1.4 Click left upper corner, wrench.
1.5 Select "Backup Mods"
1.6 Click "Restore Backup"
1.7 Select the ZIP file I'll provide here. (

2. Through Technic Launcher.
2.1 Download Technic Launcher (
2.2 Select MODPACKS tab.
2.3 Search for Good Golly Miss Molly.
2.3 Click install in lower right corner.

(IMPORTANT)Java arguemnts:
Set 3GB as minimum amount of ram for your minecraft.
You can do that by writting -Xms3G in "java arguments" field in your launcher. Or it may have seperate option somewhere in your launcher options.
Optional java arguments for better performance:
-Dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval=2147483646 -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:G1NewSizePercent=20 -XX:G1ReservePercent=20 -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=50 -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=32M

If you can't see Thermal Expansion fluxducts/itemduxts/fluiduxts, turn Anisotroping Filtering and Antialiasing off, and restart your game or press F3 + T to reload the textures.
if your game freezes for eternity, change those two setting in options file optionsof.txt in your modpack directory (usually in .minecraft or .technic) and change ofAaLevel and ofAfLevel to 0.

Please tell us why you wont play on this server:

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  • Offline! Players
  • 1.12.2 Version
  • 33% Uptime
  • 1 week Last Ping
  • 0 Votes

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