
Tags: Pets Prison PvE PvP Roleplay Vanilla

need staff join and have fun and play its pvp and server needs Builders mods this server is a pvp server so pls have and enjoy if you staff please ask staff you will be notified soon if you want to ask for help ask one of are staff pls do now spam no racism no the f word please join and fun in talk other people and stuff if you need help dont be too shy to ask do not grief do not hack or you will be kicked or ban if you we see you flying and nuking x-ray and so and so you will be banded you have another chance to get unbanned you would have a year ban

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  • Offline! Players
  • 1.18.2 Version
  • 34.7% Uptime
  • 6 days Last Ping
  • 0 Votes

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