Warpland is a simple Vanilla Minecraft 1.21.4 server. It only uses a few plugins, adding several basic features with commands to make using them much easier. The server was created by 2 players, Igolone and Fabio99, who are more than happy to offer help or answer any questions you might have through the server's official Discord. Join Warpland now and start exploring this simple, yet exciting, new MC world!
Commands List:
- /back
- /buy
- /changepassword
- /delhome
- /home
- /homes
- /login
- /msg
- /register
- /rtp
- /sethome
- /spawn
- /tell
- /tpa
- /tpaccept
- /tpahere
- /tpatoggle
- /tpcancel
Discord: https://discord.gg/yWYMnsg5TV
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