Ender Scrolls

Tags: Economy PvE Roleplay Survival

The Ender Scrolls is a Minecraft Survival server with four classes, nine races, custom skills and weapons, cosmetics, and mounts. The game is set in a fantasy, medieval, steampunk world where PvP is enabled and player builds are safe from destruction. Players can unlock new abilities and skills by selecting a class and race. They can also obtain cosmetics, mounts, and class-independent skills through in-game methods. Come on in and discover the breathtaking world of the Ender Scrolls SMP!

Custom Classes:
- Dragonknight
- Nightblade
- Sorcerer
- Templar

Custom Skills:
Each Class has its own skills, with more skills available through unlocks or equipped weapons!

Custom Races:
- Altmer (High Elf)
- Bosmer (Wood Elf)
- Dunmer (Dark Elf)
- Breton (Half Elf)
- Khajiit (Cat People)
- Argonian (Lizard People)
- Orc
- Imperial (Human)
- Nord (Human)
- Redguard (Human)

Custom Weapons and Skills:
Depending on the weapon, additional skills to use may be unlocked!

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  • 1/99 Players
  • 1.20.1 Version
  • 99.6% Uptime
  • 1 hour Last Ping
  • 32 Votes

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