Black Vortex | 18+

Tags: Pixelmon

Hey all!

Looking for a non-P2W Pixelmon server? Say no more!

Black Vortex was created solely to enhance everyone's experience with a healthy community around it. We are very small at the moment (considering I just started it) but I do have big plans for it.

Vanilla is the name of the game. We keep it very basic when it comes to commands.

No gatekeeping legendaries, everything is as it should be. Attainable by sheer force of will and luck.

* Pokedex completion rewards
* Teams
* Helpful commands such as IVs and EVs
* Much more

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  • Offline! Players
  • 1.16.5 Version
  • 34.2% Uptime
  • 9 hours Last Ping
  • 0 Votes

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