OldCraft Rankup

Minecraft Server

Tags: Adventure Big Dig Economy PvP

Servidor Rankup (1.8 - 1.20)

➤ Pirata e original
➤ Sitema de Ranks
➤ Sistema de Almas e Gemas
➤ Sistema de fragmentos e caixas
➤ Recompensa por tempo ONLINE
➤ Varias tags exclusivas
➤ Farms e spawners
➤ Varias minas e Arenas
➤ Vagas na Staff para todos os cargos
➤ Terrenos

Venha ser o melhor em nosso servidor!

Discord: https://discord.gg/37CCcwCJW2

OldCraft is a Minecraft RankUp server for versions 1.8 to 1.20. The server is in offline mode (aka cracked) and features a ranking system, souls and gems-based economy, crate/boxes, tags, spawners for farming, and land claims. There are also several mines and arenas, plus rewards for online time and much more! Join now to play on this best Minecraft server! Please note OldCraft's language is Portuguese.

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BR Servers

  • 0/300 Players
  • 1.20 Version
  • 96.3% Uptime
  • 1 week Last Ping
  • 1 Votes

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