
Tags: Faction PvE PvP Survival

GamesMadeInPola es un servidor de minecraft creado pensando en la comunidad hispanohablante, ofreciendo una jugabilidad justa para todos. Disponemos de un gran equipo detrĂ¡s, cada persona tiene experiencia en lo que hace, mantiene su postura de respeto y disfruta del servidor como un jugador.

GamesMadeInPola is a Minecraft Survival and Factions server for Spanish-speaking players. Its features include stuff like PvE, PvP, vote rewards, ranks, and more. GamesMadeInPola is for Java Edition and should work with all versions 1.8 and up. If you want to get the best experience though, you should use version 1.21 or higher.

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  • 29/500 Players
  • 1.21.1 Version
  • 99.7% Uptime
  • 1 hour Last Ping
  • 216 Votes

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