
Minecraft Server

Tags: Adventure Economy Pixelmon PvE Roleplay Survival

Join players around the world and start your journey from Pallet Town or Littleroot, leading your team of Pixelmon into the Hall of Fame!

Pixleon is a Pixelmon Minecraft server with a dedicated team working on keeping it up and running. Our team consists of experienced Pixelmon builders and staff, who aim to bring you the best Pixelmon experience. We are intent on bringing frequent content updates and patches to the server. Our social media pages will hold weekly events, including donation packages and in-game goodies as prizes.

Your Pixleon journey will start in either Littleroot or Pallet town and will take you across a beautiful custom map of the region. We have a Plot world alongside our custom map, where you can feel free to create your own home or even a shop.


*Over 500 Pixelmon available to capture and train!
*Daily and monthly reward chests.
*Hoenn, Kanto, and Sevii regions based off the Pokémon games.
*Plot world with purchasable plots and merging to build whatever you wish.
*Custom server hub that links all regions and plot world together.
*Voting rewards, such as Rare Candy and Vitamins.
*Latest Pixelmon Reforged kept up-to-date.
*GTS, Wondertrade, and Pixelmon Extras side mods.
*Hoenn elite 4 and server champion.
*In-depth Pokemon breeding.
*Player shops, available in the Plot World.

Our team of Developers and Builders are working hard on bringing in new features and content for everyone, with some major content updates planned for the rest of 2018.
These upcoming content updates include:

*More regions based off the Pokémon games such as Johto, Orange Islands, and Alola.
*Kanto elite 4.
*Quests to earn items and Pokédollars.
*Story events with team Rainbow Rocket.

Join us on Discord! www.discord.gg/D3m6Tdn

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  • Offline! Players
  • 1.12.2 Version
  • 69.1% Uptime
  • 2 days Last Ping
  • 0 Votes

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