Tags: Roleplay
Mooncraft este un server de Minecraft cu Roleplay Medium. Este un mod de joc Roleplay modat cu foarte multe functii si sisteme la fel ca in realitate.
Ce iti ofera serverul?
➤ Echipa de staff capabila si pregatita
➤ Job-uri bine gandite
➤ Sisteme noi
➤ Evenimente saptamanale
➤ Factiuni Legale
➤ Sistem de salarii pentru fiecare cetatean
➤ Mafii si organizatii Periculoase
➤ Economie Bine Stabilita
➤ Super Masini si arme
➤ Un oras intreg de explorat!
➤ Apartamente/case/plot-uri in care te poti stabili.
Discord: https://discord.gg/mooncraftrp
MoonCraft is a modded Roleplay Minecraft server for Romanian-speaking players set on a medium difficulty level. It provides players with an exciting experience thanks to its numerous features, including unique jobs, weekly events, legal factions, a salary system, supercars, weapons, and more. Join now where an entire city with various living options like apartments, houses, and plots is dying for you to explore!
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