Tags: Economy PvE PvP Spigot Survival

Como banearon a nuestro clan de un servidor , decidimos hacer el nuestro con juegos de azar y mujersuelas.Se pueden unir desde la 1,9 hacia arriba (ultimas versiones como la 1.20.4)
Dentro del servidor hay plugins que te dan habilidades , poderes , protecciones , economía , shop , etc.

AxolotMC is a Latino Minecraft server that came to be after its owners' clan on another server was banned. It is a custom Survival server with games of chance, and it is compatible with versions 1.9 and up, including the latest! The server also uses several epic plugins to provide players with extra cool features like skills, powers, protections, a shop, and more. Hop on and get to know this friendly Spanish-speaking community today!

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  • Offline! Players
  • 1.20.1 Version
  • 31.1% Uptime
  • 9 hours Last Ping
  • 0 Votes

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