
Tags: Anarchy Survival Vanilla

CelestialMC is an upcoming Semi-Anarchy Semi-Vanilla Survival Minecraft server that quite unique! The main focus of the server is centered around the Ender Dragon Egg. Unlike other servers, once the egg is picked up, it cannot be stored but must be constantly moved around by the owner. If the owner fails to move the egg within the given time, it will randomly teleport and announce its location to the entire server. There is also a secondary timer where players can be rewarded with powerful totems, which are difficult to obtain since the evoker no longer drops them. Another distinguishing feature of CelestialMC is how difficult Netherite is to get. The Smithing table is disabled, so players can only craft Netherite armor using the crafting table, requiring 8 Netherite Ingots for each piece. Until CelestialMC is released, please feel free to join its Discord server!

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  • Offline! Players
  • 1.20.2 Version
  • 34.8% Uptime
  • 21 hours Last Ping
  • 0 Votes

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