Tags: Economy PvE Spigot Survival
A great place for playing Survival without your screen being filled with Chat SPAM!
Game Domain: gPapaGoSurvival.net
Alternate: gPapaGoSurvival.fluctis.com
Discord: https://discord.gg/2JFzJBu
Friendly Survival (hard mode) community with protections and perks
Community Rules:
1. No griefing, raiding, stealing or murder (no player KOS).
2. No PvP contact whatsoever without prior mutual consent.
3. No cheating, X-Ray, inequality or dishonesty of any kind.
4. No offensive language, dress, signs, structures...period.
5. No blaming the server or the game for any player losses!
6. No asking for any permissions not shared by all players.
7. No villager confinements, breeders, enslavements or harms.
No bullies or bossies are ever tolerated at gPapaGoSurvival!
Mod/Admin Rules:
1. Never abuse or confuse your responsibilities as privileges.
2. Never spawn for or /give to anyone else anything whatsoever.
3. Never give, sell or trade anything not obtained in Survival.
4. Never /tp to any player without first asking for a welcome.
5. Never use in Survival any perm not common for all players.
6. Never forget your staff perms are for serving others, not you!
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