Midnight MC

Tags: Adventure Dungeons Mcmmo Survival

¡Nuevo servidor SurvivalRPG con items unicos que podras obtener jugando, dungeons donde podrias ir junto a tus amigos o solo para mejorar tus habilidades y obtener recompensas, clases para elegir con distintas habilidades, habilidades que podrás usar en tus batallas y muchas cosas más!

Midnight MC is a new Spanish-speaking Survival Minecraft RPG server from Argentina. It offers various distinguishing features such as exclusive items that can be obtained through playing, dungeons designed for group exploration and skill enhancement, and a selection of classes, each with unique abilities. Players can then use these abilities during battles, creating a more diverse and engaging gameplay experience.

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  • Offline! Players
  • 1.19.4 Version
  • 26.9% Uptime
  • 4 days Last Ping
  • 0 Votes

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