TenebrisMC - Economy Survival

Tags: Adventure Cracked Dungeons Economy PvP Survival

Naše hlavní hry jsou Survival Economy, dungeony a BOX FIGHT !!!
Za hlasování našeho serveru dostanete sladkou odměnu.
Specialitky:Particle odměny,Specialní itemy,CRATE opening,Kolo štěstí,Denní questy a odměny
Děkujeme za navštívení našeho serveru.

Verze: 1.19.2-1.20.1

DC : https://dsc.gg/tenebrismc <--SOUTĚŽ ZDE
TikTok : TenebrisMC
IG: TenebrisMC

TenebrisMC is a Czech Minecraft Economy Survival server with dungeons and box fights. It supports versions 1.19.2+ and features particle rewards, special items, crates, a Wheel of Fortune minigame, and daily quests. The server even rewards players with sweet prizes just for voting! Join now for all this and more, plus a whole lot of fun!

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  • 0/2,000 Players
  • 1.21.1 Version
  • 49.4% Uptime
  • 1 day Last Ping
  • 0 Votes

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