
Minecraft Server

Tags: Adventure Economy Faction PvP Roleplay Survival

Aquí pasaras un buen rato y disfrutaras de una gran experiencia de rol en minecraft con tu propio país o habitando uno como ciudadano, podrás dar golpes de estado o declararle la guerra a un país y luchar online contra ellos. Entra en tricraft y lleva a tu propio país a la gloria construyendo grandes bases o equipándote con las mejores armas!

The Spanish-speaking Tricraft Minecraft server will surely provide you with an excellent time. Enjoy a great role-playing experience by starting your own country or inhabiting one as a citizen. You can also carry out coups, declare war on a country, and fight against them in PvP. Get on the Tricraft server today and lead your country to glory by building great bases and equipping yourself with the best weapons!

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  • Offline! Players
  • 1.19.4 Version
  • 35.2% Uptime
  • 3 days Last Ping
  • 0 Votes

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