
Tags: Creative Economy PvP Survival

LightningMC is a Minecraft server network that is running version 1.19.3. In will be modded in the future, but for now it is offering you two gameplay options: survival and creative.

The survival server allows you to experience semi-traditional survival gameplay. There is also an economy plugin on the survival server that allows players to earn and spend in-game currency, and to sell items that they gather using the auction house (ah).

The creative server will enable you to build and create without the constraints of survival gameplay, and players with VIP or above rank have access to world edit.

LightningMC is using the EssentialsX plugin, which adds a variety of useful commands and features to the game, including teleportation, homes, and warps. There are also VIP and MVP roles, which offer you access to additional perks and benefits.

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  • Offline! Players
  • 1.19.3 Version
  • 79.3% Uptime
  • 2 weeks Last Ping
  • 0 Votes

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