----> THE HS BETA OFFICIALY LAUNCHED ON 08/02/2023!! <------
**Hidden Sanctuary is 100% free to play. A true passion project. A big L to all the pay to win servers out there. We want to make an example out there!**
**HS is a FRESH 1.19.3 Minecraft SMP Claims, nations, pvp and pve server,** looking to expand and add content to the vanilla base game we all love so passionately. In addition to that I would love to invite you to a Discord server. A server that covers all sorts of topics. We love all sorts of games, but the focus is on Minecraft.
Currently we have a team of **6 fivehead developers (MC-STAFF role on Discord)** that are all ready to develop now that we have set up our **Trello board.** I started this serverproject late december 2022, and mark my words, it will be a one of a kind server, as all content will be handmade from scratch. We will be implementing a lot of ideas and the vision of my most recent Minecraft server which I unfortunately had to discontinue due to life issues. As for promotion and to get traffic going I am trying to grow myself on several different platforms. You can expect me to make a ton of content about the server together with you guys as I stream live on Twitch at least 5 days and 30 hours a week :wink: You can also find Knetterkoekje on YouTube and TikTok. Check my other socials through the Community/MC Server Discord (Click my profile)
HS owns pretty much every useful premium Java MC plugin, and we have several very experienced Custom Mob/Map/Worldgen config developers and designers on board. We will be slowly adding more and more content through various plugins by also applying our own server logic using a Minecraft scripting language called Skript with an additional library called SkriptBee. In addition to that we have a great network, as such we are able to contact any of the developers of said important premium plugins to request features for our server in case we cannot achieve our goals using Skript. Feel free to DM Knetterkoekje here on PMC, or on Discord @Knetterkoekje#6600 if you have any questions regarding Hidden Sanctuary, me or well anything :smile:
If this server does indeed sound as intruiging as I want it to, it is a better idea to come have a first hand look! :heart:
We are currently on a sponsored shockbyte server but we will move to a super stronk dedicated machine when time needs be (very soon!).I would like to reiterate that we are in BETA stage at the moment.The ETA for the full release is May 2023.
Trailer of the Nether: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pe_JWbC1GQc
Timelapse of our first PvP arena: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=27SjLYcqbG8
Get involved with Hidden Sanctuary today!
@ https://discord.gg/ms3w9rFA6k
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