
Tags: Adventure PvP Roleplay Survival

Radi se o geopolitičkom serveru u kojem njegovi igrači kreiraju sav mogući scenario, igra se po pravilima što bliže stvarnom životu gde su prepušteni sami sebi i oni odlučuju o svemu.

Svaka država je smeštena u svoje vreme u zavisnosti od toga kako su državljani to odlučili, najjači opstaju pa se države nakon 80 dana totalne neaktivnosti brišu a pravo na nju imaju naredni doseljenici.

Sve što sagradite ostaje tu zauvek, radi se o projektu koji je produktovan mnoštvom drugih pa sama mapa kao i sve kreacije njegovih igrača se redovno backup-aju na više diskova.

HogRealms is a Croatian Minecraft server from Serbia. It is a geopolitical server in which players can create all kinds possible scenarios where they decide everything (within real world rules). Each state is located in its own time, depending on how the citizens decided. States are deleted after 80 days of inactivity and the next immigrants have the right to it. Everything you build stays there forever! The map itself, as well as all the creations of its players, are regularly backed up to multiple disks.

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  • Offline! Players
  • 1.18.2 Version
  • 72.3% Uptime
  • 1 day Last Ping
  • 0 Votes

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