
Tags: Drug

Welcome Citizens!

MC Cities is about a living your life making friends be criminal or cop or live the secret life of FBI ! :)


in mc cities you can be the law and get Criminals and drug dealers into jail!
being a cop means alot of resposibilities. to watch people and check on their inventory if they are drug addicted or just carrying weapons without your Agreement!

Get job = Get payed for your family:
Being A miner , smelter or just architect can bring you more money that you can imagine !

Be A part of agency:
FBI doing great jobs and most wonderfull and also most realistic
in FBI you can do whatever you need to save your Country or your city!

Make Family!:
Be a family with people and marry with who you want to :) build together, or give flowers to your love :)

Be A part of great Community!:
In our Community We helping each others, Greeting each others And helping all to get their first house/job/family quick :) Do not be homless in our city xD

Hope to see you in our server

Site: http://www.mccities.com
Server IP: Play.mccities.com

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  • 0/100 Players
  • 1.20 Version
  • 97.3% Uptime
  • 1 day Last Ping
  • 1 Votes

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