
Tags: Bukkit Cracked Mcmmo Survival

Releasing EmberSMP 💥 Season 1

Welcome to EmberSMP!
We are a small server trying to grow, always looking for the best for our players. Thanks for trusting us in EmberSMP!

👾 Some info about our server
The Main Currency is Diamonds. Here are some useful commands:
/deposit ➡️ deposit all diamonds
/deposit [amount] ➡️ deposit specific amount of diamonds
/withdraw [amount] ➡️ withdraw specific amount of diamonds
/pay [amount] ➡️ pay specific amount of diamonds

⚔️ Crossplay Support
Now both Java and Bedrock users can enjoy EmberSMP! 🥳
Java: play.embersmp.cloud
Bedrock: bedrock.embersmp.cloud - Port 58396

⭐ Some of our features
We'd like to show you what our server's got.
1. New Elite Mobs 🫎 (Bosses and Normal Mobs, be careful)
2. New Structures 🏛️ (Overworld, Nether, End)
3. Enhanced Dragon Fight 🐲 (Harder Now) (Netherite is a must-have)
4. Harder End Cities 🌒 (Dont go without preparation⚔️ )
5. Dungeons and Catacombs ☠️ (Side Quests)
6. EliteCoins 🪙 When you kill elite mobs you get elite coins and you can buy stuff from it specially for dungeons and catacombs.
6. Adventurer Guild 🏰 Theres a Different World for doing side quests, missions, dungeons.
7. Normal Mining ⛏️ (gives you more rewards)
8. Graves 🪦 (despawns after few days)
9. McMMO ⚒️ (You will level up your skills!)
10. Claims 🗺️ (Claim your 3 free chunks + 1 on second claim to avoid grief)
11. GSit Included 🧘‍♂️(Sit, Laydown anywhere and hang out together!)
12. ChatEmojis 🗣️ (Express youself in chat using emojis) - <3 converts to ❤️ - :) converts to 🙂
... and more!

Dont forget to vote for us at https://www.embersmp.cloud/vote/!

Vote for this server!

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  • Offline! Players
  • 1.21 Version
  • 63.9% Uptime
  • 1 day Last Ping
  • 0 Votes

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