Hololive Fanclub Server

Tags: Economy PvP Survival Whitelist

插件生存伺服器 1.18~1.19.4 Java/BE

伺服器位址(Java)(BE) :hololive.mcproxy.net

伺服器連接(BE) 端口 : 25985

正版 : 是

遊戲版本: Java/基岩版1.18.X ~ 1.19.4

位置於 : 台灣

- 以插件為主的生存伺服器
- 經濟來源為 挖礦/農作物/擊殺怪物/玩家交易/於主城販售商品
- 定期舉辦活動, 可在期間內獲得限定物品, 物品內容不受原版限制
- 玩家可向官方註冊村莊, 管理員將協助於主城設定傳送門
- 不開放 領地 方塊記錄 /tpa /back 功能給玩家使用
- 如建築遭破壞可申請後由官方去復原被破壞的地方
- 可使用鎖箱功能保護物資, 伺服器開啟防爆/防火

The Hololive Fanclub Server is a Minecraft server based in Taiwan that supports versions 1.18 and above. It is a survival server that is driven by plugins and offers cross-play support for both Java and Bedrock editions. In-game money can be earned through various activities such as mining, crop harvesting, defeating monsters, player trading, and selling goods in the main city. Events are held regularly, and players can obtain limited items during these periods. Players can also create villages, and then apply to have a portal back to it set up in the main city. If a players building becomes damaged, they can ask a staff member to help restore it. There is also a lock box that players can use to protect their materials.

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TW Servers

  • 7/100 Players
  • 1.19.3 Version
  • 62.8% Uptime
  • 12 hours Last Ping
  • 0 Votes

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